INDEPTH Resource Kit for Demographic Surveillance Systems
A Network of Population, Health and Poverty Observatories in Developing Countries
Purpose of the Resource Kit
There is no manual or text book for conducting demographic surveillance.  However the staff of Demographic Surveillance Systems (DSS) in developing countries retain a wealth of experience in managing such sites.  The value of DSS sites contributing to both research and development agendas has resulted in a steady proliferation of DSS sites in recent years. 37 DSS field sites are now part of the INDEPTH Network.  Many new sites are in development.  New sites often suffer unnecessary startup difficulties and delays because of lack of timely access to expertise and technical know- how associated with the practical aspects of starting and running a DSS site.   At the same time, established sites are increasingly challenged to provide additional information to serve the intensified efforts of countries to reduce poverty and improve health.  INDEPTH has therefore harvested the best practices and experiences of its existing sites into this resource kit.
To enter the INDEPTH Resource Kit for Demographic Surveillance Systems, click on the Introduction and Navigation icon in the menu on the left.
For more information on the INDEPTH Network, and network membership, visit www.indepth-